QRcode generation plugin without jQuery
To use the plugin, first, you have to load javascript like the following;
<script type="text/javascript" src="render.qrcode.min.js"></script>
then, you have to make an element a QRcode appended to.
<div id="qrcode-element"></div>
finally, call qrcode() function of the element's DOM.
document.getElementById('qrcode-element').qrcode("text or options");
the argument is options or a text you want to generate QRcode.
the default options is the following;
default_options = { render : "canvas", /* "canvas" or "table" is also supported */ width : 256, height : 256, typeNumber : -1, correctLevel : QRErrorCorrectLevel.H, /* L, M, Q, H is supported */ background : "#ffffff", foreground : "#000000" }
when you use options, you must specify text key like this.
element.qrcode({ text: "text you want to generate qrcode", render: "table" });